Pregnancy Diet Planning & Coaching
Jill Gibson, MD, serves the Covington, LA area with coaching women on how to have a healthy pregnancy diet while giving the knowledge needed to stay happy and healthy as a baby grows. The importance of nutrition during pregnancy cannot be overstated. Even if you already eat a healthy diet, knowing how to provide your body with the building blocks it needs for optimum health for you and your baby can make birth and breastfeeding easier, too.
Hormonal Changes And Nutrition During Pregnancy
The hormonal changes women experience during pregnancy and fertility treatment can be challenging. Everyone has different needs, and you may not be aware of how food can affect not only your body but also your moods. If you’re suffering from morning sickness, Jill Gibson, MD, can help you develop a pregnancy diet that’s easy on your stomach while making sure you’re getting proper nutrition.
Building A Pregnancy Diet Plan
It’s important to nourish your body with whole foods all the time, but it’s especially vital during pregnancy. If your diet is low in important nutrients, vitamins or minerals, pregnancy can deplete these nutrients, which can make a huge difference in the quality of your pregnancy and the well-being of your child. Eating foods that are optimal for your specific needs will support you in feeling good and keeping your baby healthy all the way through birth.
Whether you’re concerned about gaining too much weight or not enough, it’s essential to make sure you enjoy your food and feel relaxed about eating. Jill Gibson, MD, can also advise you on the best foods to eat postpartum to help you recover quickly and make sure you’re getting enough nutrients while breastfeeding.
Be sure to keep a list of approved medications in mind alongside your diet.
A Pregnancy Diet Tailored To Meet Your Needs
Our pregnancy diet coaching sessions in Covington, LA, will help you to feel confident about your nutrition during pregnancy and post-partum. First, Dr. Gibson will talk with you about what you like to eat, what you don’t like and if you have any allergies or foods that don’t agree with you. She can also help you come up with a proper exercise plan to keep your body feeling healthy and strong during pregnancy.
To learn more about pregnancy diet counseling in Covington, LA, contact Jill Gibson, MD, at 985-898-5990 to schedule an appointment today.